Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Our Many Gifts

As Christmas approaches, with its season of parties, gifts, and abundant food, many of us find that we’re too busy, too stressed, just plain too overwhelmed to enjoy the fellowship, bright lights, and many gifts of the season.

When we were kids, it seemed like Christmas took FOREVER to arrive. Now, most of us have lost that child-like excitement, and Christmas seems to come too soon.

Look at the last post for a simple stress-relieving exercise you can do just about any time of day or night.

And here’s another stress-relieving tip: Throughout this holiday season, practice santosha, which is usually translated as contentment. Young children have a natural santosha about them – they are easily brought back to the present moment, and almost always quite content to be right there.

Practicing santosha means finding happiness with what you have, who you are, and what you can get done right now. It doesn’t mean “don’t try to improve”! It does mean that you can be content with where you are right now – even as you’re working on a degree, a better job or relationship, or your yoga.

Santosha means joyfully accepting whatever life provides and not wanting more than is at hand. When we are content, our mind is steady and we can be truly happy – in spite of external circumstances.

During this busy season, may we all pause, take a calming breath, and be grateful for what life gives us today.

Merry Christmas, and enjoy the new gifts – and new challenges – that come in 2009!

Saturday, January 24 is
Watch for Special Activities in Waynesboro

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