January is a time of new beginnings - and my favorite newbie is right here - Keiya Grace Kino Harris, born to my son Jake and his wife Mariko in Portland, Oregon on January 11 at 7:35 a.m., 9 pounds 2 ounces! I was in Portland from Jan 5 and left on the red-eye the 11th, so only got a brief visit with the new baby. The real joy of this trip was seeing all the other grandchildren, and spending a couple of days taking care of precious Aiden while his parents were in the hospital. What a joy to be a grandparent!
Gentle beginning yoga classes start again on Tuesday, January 19th (delayed a week due to snow days) at the Wayne County Technology Center. Classes begin at 5 p.m. and go to 6:30. They're free, so if you've been curious about yoga, give us a try!
Wear comfortable clothing and bring a blanket. If you have questions, give me a call at 931 722-5096. Happy New Year!