Nobody likes a cold or flu, and people who are already weakened by chronic illnesses like diabetes, arthritis or COPD (to name a few) are especially vulnerable to being attacked by the nasty bugs that circulate around us, especially in cold weather.
Some things you can do to increase your chances of avoiding illness are:
- Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other natural foods. There are some studies that show that highly processed foods actually have a negative impact on your immune system.
- Drink more tea, especially green tea
- Get plenty of sleep – if you can, sleep in a cool, dark room
- Eat less sugar
- Exercise – get out in the fresh air. But be attentive to how you feel, because too much exercise – for example, running a marathon when you feel slightly unwell – can be bad for you!
- To stimulate the thymus, an important gland in the immune system, you can try Bhramari Breathing: Sit with your spine straight (if you are very weak, you can lie down for this, but seated is preferable). Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. After a few breaths, inhale fully (but don’t force or strain your breathing) and as you exhale, make a gentle buzzing sound. This sound should come from deep in your throat, through the roof of your mouth, and up into your brain. Just keep relaxing into this sound as you exhale for as long as possible, always without straining or forcing your breath. You can continue this for several breaths – start for about a minute and don’t go longer than five minutes. If you feel out of breath at any time, return to your normal breathing pattern.
- Practice yoga! Yoga stimulates your lymphatic system, which fights infection, kills rogue cancer cells, and disposes of some toxic waste products of cellular functioning. When you stretch and move your muscles around coming in and out of yoga postures, the lymph flow improves. Yoga and meditation also reduce stress, which has a negative effect on the immune system.
- Meditate or pray – studies have shown positive effects of meditation and prayer on health and immunity to disease.
Enjoy the last of winter's season, stay warm and watch for the coming spring!