The season of autumn begins with the fall equinox in late September. During that 24 hours, the day and night are equal - balanced.
As the leaves turn and the temperature drops, I'm tempted to just lay around snuggling at home by the wood stove with the kitty on my lap, a cup of hot tea nearby, pondering what would be delicious to bake.
I need to balance those lazy hours with some walks in the woods - and of course, my wonderful yoga practice!
Balance has been an issue for me as I grow older, so almost every day I practice a balancing pose. I'm very right-handed, so I have to be aware of trying to use my left side more - reach for something with my left hand, change the clasp of my hands, bring awareness to both sides of my body in asymmetrical stretches.
When I take off my clothes at night, it's been a challenge to change the way I hold my arms. When I get up off the floor, I have to think about starting on my right side instead of the left. How am I sitting? Is my head leaning one way or the other? Is only one arm on the arm rest of the chair? Can I feel both of my sit bones on the mat or the chair?
Asanas like Tree (Vrksasana), Dancer (Natarajasana) and Headstand (Sirsasana) are helping my body realign itself after years of unbalanced living. Just standing on one foot while I watch TV is a good practice.
Perhaps the most important thing I can do to improve my balance, though, is practicing awareness - being mindful of how I move and bringing attention to using both sides of my body as evenly as possible.
Yoga is such a wonderful way to balance our bodies, minds and spirits. Best wishes for a beautiful, healthy, mindful autumn.
Friday, October 10, 2008
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